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Hublet Solution has worked well in healthcare segment, such senior centre. Last year, Hublet conducted a user experiment as a part of the Hippa project of Metropolia University of Applied Science in Myllypuro Senior Centre. We launched the pilot before Covid-19 pandemic and it lasted about 6 months.

The objective was to provide us user experience information about the usability and the suitability of the service. Hence, this enables us to examine the potential benefits for assisted living facility environment.

The participants were staff and residents of Myllypuro Senior Centre. We provided staff training on the same day we delivered the device to the unit. Before that, Hublet had mapped out and established all technical requirements for using the device at Myllypuro Senior Centre. The user signed into the device using a QR code that could be found on the device. Hublet ensured that the devices would not gather user information. It would only collect information about the times the device is being used.

The pilot had two user profiles: one for residents and their relatives and one for staff.

Hublet Tablet contains the following content features, among others:
  • Exercise and remembering instructions.
  • Different games.
  • Music and images.
  • Audio books, e-magazines.
  • TV channels and program archives.
  • Websites related to health and medicines.
  • Information about units, events and menu of the week.

At the end of the pilot, Hublet collected feedback by using electronic surveys and interviews. There was 42 respondents, who were staff of Department 3 and 4 and residents who live in Myllypuro Senior Centre. We collected the feed back anonymously.

For the residents’ feedback, the nurse interviewed the residents and recorded the feedback, through the tablet’s feedback icon if the resident weren’t able to do this themselves.

For nursing staff’s feedback, they filled out the user experiment feedback form.


Results of the research experience

Nursing staff experience with Hublet Solution (22 respondents):
  • Staff felt that the benefits of Hublet Solution for users were very important, especially for those living and working in the service centre, for both dementia patients and staff.
  • Hublet helps the residents become more active.
  • Hublet Solution is versatile as well as easy to use.
  • The average response rate of the nursing staff to the suitability and functionality of the service was perceived as good, while 95% of the staff responded it as very good.
  • Residents found it easy to borrow a Hublet Tablet; almost 70% of respondents agreed or somewhat agreed.
  • Nearly 70% of employees found the Hublet Solution is easy to use and work in a service home environment.
  • More than 85% of nursing staff felt the Hublet Solution was safe to use.
  • Around 65% of nursing staff felt that Hublet has improved the life quality of the residents, make it easier for seniors to live an active life.
  • 80% of employees found that the Hublet Tablet was very useful or quite useful for residents of housing service.
  • 9 out of 10 is the average score that nursing staff gave when being asked if they would recommend Hublet Solution to their colleagues.*
  • Saving costs and freeing up working time for other tasks: 
    • The Hublet Solution saved about 15 minutes of work time per week per person, this time saving allows them to perform other tasks and diversify working tasks, such as occupational therapy.
    • The total cost of this saving is about EUR6000 per year /22 person/ department.
    • In terms of time savings, a total of 5 hours per week (286 hours per year) of working time is freed up.

(The survey asked about hourly wages (€ / avg (incl. incidental expenses) / Finland) and time savings. We calculated the employee costs based on this information. The sample size was 22, and you can estimate the costs by comparing this result to the size of the corresponding team in your own organisation.)

– Read more about the interview here (in Finnish).

We conducted the survey for Myllypuro staff at the end of the pilot. There are 22 members of the staff (nurses, physiotherapist, department head, occupational therapist and stimulus counsellor) answered the questionnaire.


Senior residents' experience with the Hublet Solution (20 respondents):
  • 80% of respondents found the Hublet Solution is very or fairly useful.
  • As a digital device for healthcare, Hublet Solution has various benefits for residents, which were e.g. accessing childhood memories, viewing photos, listening to music on YouTube, drawing, and reading familiar magazines.
  • The Hublet Solution was a great tool for group therapy. Residents were enthusiastic about the ease of use and a clear display. The product made it possible for seniors with different conditions to do versatile things, such as reading magazines, viewing pictures and doing tasks on their own screen.
  • 90% of seniors experienced Hublet Tablet as easy to use and very functional for their needs.
  • Senior residents praised the use of large icons and big letters, making it easier for them to read and use the Hublet Tablet. Shortcuts to links, articles, files, etc. also made it convenient and clear to use.
  • 100% felt that the Hublet Solution are safe and secure to use.
  • 75% of the residents felt that the Hublet Solution improved their quality of life well or fairly well.
  • Customers used the Hublet Solution the most as a patient entertainment tool. 30% of respondents use it to listen to music. The second most utilized function is for gaming and then evenly for everything possible that the Hublet Solution allows, from reading magazines to therapeutic use.

We conducted the survey for Myllypuro Senior Centre's seniors during a six-month co-development pilot period. A total of 20 residents of the Myllypuro Senior Centre responded to the survey.


Final words from Hublet

We, at Hublet, see this cooperation with Myllypuro’s Senior Centre to be pleasant and successful. Hublet team thanks everyone who involved in Metropolia’s Hippa project. Special thank to the staff and residents of Myllypuro Senior Centre. It was awesome to do this co-development with your team.

“We are very proud of this cooperation and highly appreciate Myllypuro’s approachable attitude towards digital functions and the Hublet Solution” – Milla Kalliokoski, Marketing Manager and Jukka Salonen, Business Unit Director, Hublet Oy.

*For this score, we use Net Promoter Score, which is the metric of measuring the customer loyalty, usually use in customer experience programs. Answers are given on a scale of 0-10, which lists 0-6: Detractors, 7-8: Passives, and 9-10: Promoters.




To discover how Hublet works in healthcare, click here!