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Return on Investment Calculator

Visualise how quickly you can get a return on your Hublet investment in your libraries with our easy-to-use ROI calculator

Hublet Characters and Robot

Your currency

Please select the currency to be shown in the result section for the calculator.

Your staff costs

How much does it cost to staff and support your library? We'll use this to work out your savings.

Your space

How much space are you planning to save by removing desktop PCs and reducing shelving for displaying newspapers and magazines (set to zero if none)?

Your media

How much do you currently spend on physical media and what are you hoping to save (set to zero if none)?

Your investment

How many Hublet units (include 1 Hublet Dock with 6 Hublet Tablets) do you anticipate buying?


Hours saved per year: (hours)

Annual savings: (your chosen currency)

Your ROI time: (months)

The calculations above are based on our independent survey of 65 librarians from across our library customer base. We asked them a range of questions to help them understand how they were using the Hublet Solution today, and the time and cost savings that they were seeing. The calculator should provide you with a rough guide to the savings that are available, but you should always speak to us directly, or your local partner, for a detailed ROI breakdown.

Important note: Currency exchange rates are indicative only, with rates updated at the beginning of each month.

Our implementation of the Hublet Solution, for both staff and library users, has enabled us to promote our digital resources to a much wider audience. A real added benefit of the Hublets is the ability for customers to choose where they sit providing comfort and more privacy than the traditional computer suites.

Jaisant Patel, Systems Co-ordinator @ Northamptonshire Libraries

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