Hublet Tablets for hotel guests
In the hotels of Norther Karelia Cooperative Society, PKO, Hublet Solution has been in use since 2016. The Hublet Solution has been acquired for the use of tablets for hotel guests.
PKO’s ICT expert - Juha Turpeinen - says that the ease-of-control of devices has been a positive suprise and hotel customers have found them very easy to use. “The device management does not require specific IT skills. It is also important for users that all the data in device is removed when it returns to the dock,” says Turpeinen. “Most commonly, our customers use Hublets to surf the net and, for example, to use entertainment and related services. The hotel guests borrow the Hublet Tablets by asking for a user code at the reception desk. ‘ Turpeinen adds.
Device management remotely is easy
Juha Turpeinen says that managing a large number of tablets can be handled easily by Hublet Manager. A cloud-based management system makes managing tablet materials easy. Turpeinen values it as one of the best features of Hublet right after its data security. When being able to manage devices and applications remotely, it does not require IT support on-site. Changes can be made from your office or anywhere, as long as the internet connection is available.
Turpeinen, who is responsible for the company’s security affairs, is also responsible for the security of the whole PKO group’s security. Therefore, security issues are of particular importance to him, and Hublet’s complete data cleansing at the dock gets praise by him as a brilliant feature.
Who would you recommend Hublet?
Turpeinen recommends Hublets to hotels, restaurants and other public spaces where there are multiple customers as users. “It’s a great idea to use devices in marketing, for example, by placing an offer or other topical theme as a screen background image”.
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