LocalTapiola Pääkaupunkiseutu digitalizes its office concept with tablets and video walls

Insurance companies have traditionally served their customers on the phone and through personal appointments. During the last few years, however, the services have moved online and online self service has become more and more important. Even though the online channel seems convenient, many people need advice trying to choose the most suitable service for themselves. Seemingly small doubts and questions are not enough to make the customer pick up the phone, and the decision is postponed.

LocalTapiola Pääkaupunkseutu looks to solve this problem by offering a new kind of service concept which combines the best of both digital and personal customer service. The office invites people to pop in and check their insurances during their trip to the mall. Apart from the more traditional spaces for appointments the office boasts a digital lounge with tablets and video walls that allow the customer to explore the digital services by themselves or with help from the sales staff.

”The tablets allow us to serve each customer personally while utilizing our digital channels. In addition to providing great customer service, we are actually teaching our customers to use our web services and marketing our digital channels in the process”, explains development manager Maria Juka-Lahdenperä. “This is the main idea behind the whole concept.”

Usability and scalability above everything else

The idea was to find a highly usable and scalable model for introducing tablets into the daily customer processes in the new digital office. This is where Hublet came in offering a turn-key solution for managing public tablets. The tablets are available for both staff and customers and can be used efficiently in the sales process. The contents include links to LocalTapiola services and a questionnaire to help choose the right insurances for each customer’s needs.

Juka-Lahdenperä has it clear when asked about the benefits of Hublet: “Centralized device management, easy content updates and scalability of the service were the main reasons for choosing Hublet as our partner. With their service we are able to easily try new things while developing our own service.”

The goal of the new office is to increase the contact with customers and improve the customer experience. Contacting LocalTapiola has been made easy and anyone is welcome to check out their new premises. It is an interesting move for an insurance company towards a modern customer service combining elements of both digital and physical worlds and answering the changing needs of their clientele.

Thinking about introducing tablets into your own business? Contact us for more information!